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- Detecting Emergent Churches Eschatology Part 4 Thu 12/26/24
- FP: Fruit of a False Prophet Disobedience Part 8 Thu 1/2/25
- Narcissism Lovers of Self Thu 1/9/25
- Hession – We would see Jesus Thu 1/16/25
doct55 Increase our Faith we define faith from the Bible, and explain how faith has to have corresponding evidence in our lives. We also explain how to increase our faith, as per the Bible. Topics> What is Faith? | Faith in what is Spiritual | Some observations about Faith | How does the process of being born of faith work? | Faith is to consistently “Believe” and “Practice” what God declares to us | The Secret of Increasing your Faith | What is after having faith?
Read the Tracts: doct55 Increase our Faith.New Tracts
pc10 Sexual Purityis an exhortation to purity in sexual matters for the Christian. We look at various aspects of the issue.
Topics: It is not an impossible fight! | The Biblical Model | Homosexuality and Prostitution | Nudity and the Mind | Self-Stimulation | Resisting the Temptation.
Excerpts: Job 31:1 I made a covenant with mine eyes; why then should I think upon a maid? Job understood that sexual sin begins with the sight, and the seeing before desiring. Job made a covenant with himself, a commitment that he would not look on young women to desire them or to let his imagination run wild with them even their image or in his thoughts. Equally, Jesus taught us in Mat. 5:28 that even thinking sinful thoughts without doing them is as sinful as actually doing them. This is an amplification of Exo 20:17 “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife”. David saw before taking (2Sam 11:2).
Fasting is to teach us that the body does not control over us, and this is exactly what is necessary for people with this problem. This sin is pinned to the thoughts, “for as he thinketh in his heart, so is he” Pro 23:7. “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” Phil 4:13.
Read the Tract: pc10 Sexual Purity.Tract Group 1
salv13 How to tell if you are dead! (spiritual life) explores the contrast between spiritual life and spiritual death in the Bible.
Topics: What marks the difference? | Live in the Likeness of Christ | Bearing Spiritual Fruit | Do you have the Stink of Death? | Humility versus Pride | Subject to the Commandments of God | Love for their brothers in Christ | The Controlled Tongue | Not being the World's Friend | Follow the good, not the Bad.
Excerpt from the Tract: There are many walking around in the world thinking that they are saved and that they are Christians when actually, according to the Bible, they are totally dead in the spirit, unsaved. While so many presume to be spiritually alive, it is very important to understand that according to the Bible, they are dead. We should have abundant evidence that we are saved and alive spiritually, because we see spiritual life within us, and not the traces of death.
Red the Tract: salv13 How to tell if you are dead! (spiritual life).Buy Me a Cup of Coffee
Buy me Steak Taco! You know, I work hard at my websites trying to provide you with good material that is sound doctrinally-speaking and of interest to God's people. It is hard work, but I don't mind doing it, and I feel called to the ministry, and God will bless me after all is said and done. But in the meantime, I do need to cover my expenses. I have a total of 34 websites (half English and half Spanish), and each one costs about $10 per month to keep up. That does not take into consideration my time and effort in writing content. Won't you consider at least a one time donation to this ministry of $10 or $20 dollars? It would be really great if you could gift me and my wife this money so that we could enjoy eating out at least once in a while. (I pay the expenses for these sites out of our living expenses.) God will richly bless you and repay you for your generosity. 1 Timothy 5:18 For the scripture saith, Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. And, The labourer is worthy of his reward. If you received some value from my websites, consider at lest a small donation. A big donation would really be nice, too though.
Donate to David Cox Ministries.Tract Group 2
bs44 The Blessing of God’s Presence The Blessing of God’s Presence looks at how God's special presence brings great blessings to us, and how lost people in hell are lacking this. Topics: God is Omnipresent | The Presence of the Omnipresent God and the Actual Presence of God | Hell is to not sense any of the special presence of God | There are Great Blessing in the Presence of God | God is Love | Conclusion
See the Tract: bs44 The Blessing of God’s PresenceGood Books from my Sites
Cox A Study on the Trinity is a short 32-page work on the Trinity with special attention applied towards Muslims and Jehovah's Witnesses. Chapters: 1. God is One Monotheism. | 2. Why God is one, but has to be three persons in that one God: Love needs three people. | 3. Other Consideration that God has to be three persons. | 4. God the Father is God | 5. Jesus is God | 6. The Holy Spirit is God. | 7. Unacceptable explanations of the Trinity. | 8 Conclusion. Alternate Download Site: Christian-kindle-library.comAds and News
Getting People Really Saved. The one true objective that takes priority over all other objectives is the gospel. If our people are not saved, nothing else will matter as much. This article in investigates the question of not explaining clearly the plan of salvation and those who are witnessed to not understanding the plan of salvation.
Topics: Overview | Jesus Taught us of the Existence of "Tares" | Evangelism is very important, but also INSIDE THE CHURCH | Essentials in Fruit Production. (1) Bible reading/studying. (2) A Biblical sound local church. (3) Solid Expositional Teaching. (4) Exposure to real prayer power. | Harmful Elements: (1) False teaching. (2) Sinful conduct by supposedly good Christians. (3) Sins and crises that distract and disable a person's Christian life.
Read the tract: Getting People Really Saved.
Tag Archives: Broad Road
The Narrow Road versus Broad
The Narrow Road versus Broad is a short article about the contrast of the two roads by Jesus. Continue reading
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