False Prophet bad fruit Part 1

False Prophet bad fruit Part 1 is a study on the False Prophet in the Bible, his fruit is bad and that is what he produces.

A False Prophet cannot but produce bad fruit

False Prophet bad FruitFalse Prophet bad Fruit. Christians have the obligation to be fruit inspectors. We cannot ignore the possibility of a cherished minister actually being a false prophet. This could be that he always was bad, or that being good, at some point he turned bad.

Here we need to look at a couple of things, and not be deceived by the “misdirection” these magicians use to deceive. We start asking honest questions. What kind of ministry did this guy establish? Is it biblical? Look at the people he has gathered. What kind of people gravitate to this ministry and this minister? What economic success have they achieved, and how does that relate in their priorities and central focus? Are there blatant carnality seen on the surface? How does the leadership react to sensualness, carnality, and worldliness? Are they focusing on fame and recognition rather than doing God’s work? Continue reading

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Verses that refute Limited Atonement


I list some verses which indicate the atonement was for all for your consideration. Continue reading

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The difference between Abuse and Mistakes

The difference between Abuse and Mistakes is an article on separating a mistake that some pastor makes versus pastoral abuse, or a false prophet.

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Cat15 The Sexual Immorality of the Catholic Clergy

The Sexual Immorality of the Catholic Clergy

By David Cox

[cat15] v1 ©2018 www.coxtract.com
This tract can be freely reprinted and post if no charge is made

This post is a copy of my tract on the sexual immorality of the Catholic Clery. Go here for a printable version.

This tract, CAT15 The Sexual Immorality of the Catholic Clergy, deals with the fatal errors in Roman Catholic practice and doctrine requiring their priests and ministers to be celibate. THEMES: Husband of One Wife | @No to Celibacy | Do not be a Fornicator | Pedophilia is an Abomination | Homosexuality is an Abomination | A Family Man | The Problem behind Immorality

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cat01 Is the Pope the Vicar of Christ?

Is the Pope the Vicar of Christ?
Is the authority of the popes biblical? NO!
[C01] v1 ©2005 www.coxtracts.com

This tract can be freely copied and reproduced but not sold. You can download a printable version from coxtracts.com/cat01

In Mat 16:18 Jesus promised to build his Church. Today many churches pretend to be the only true church of Jesus Christ. This tract will examine the claims of the Roman Catholic Church concerning the authority and succession of the apostles in the popes.

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Enroth – Recovering from Churches that Abuse

Recovering from Churches that Abuse

By Enroth

Recovering from Churches that Abuse is a classic work on abusive churches which helps those trying “to get out from under” and recover personally afterward.

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Cloud-Townsend – Safe People

Safe People: How to Find Relationships That Are Good for You and Avoid Those That Aren’t!, Dr. Henry Cloud &s Dr. John Townsend, 1995. Henry tells about being in a Christian group for 5 years where he learned a lot but became more “religious” and less “real”.

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Destitution of a Pastor

The destitution of a Pastor is a discussion of the requirements of a pastor and his destitution if he doesn’t fulfill these requirements. This is an excellent exposition of the requirements of the pastor as well as the Destitution of a Pastor.

By Pastor-Missionary David Cox
Destitution of a Pastor

The Examining the Destitution of a Pastor

Let me start off by saying that it is dangerous to undertake the destitution of a pastor. If you are wrong (and we all can be wrong), then you are trying to remove a man God has placed in that ministry. It is equally as dangerous to allow a man that is essentially a wolf in sheep’s clothing to take over a ministry.

Over the years, I have seen churches “fall.” By that I mean, a good church, with good doctrines and good people, and a false prophet come in and run off the majority, take the 20-30 years of what they had done economically to have a building, and use it for his personal bank account. Essentially, the false prophet changes the church’s doctrine and practice to what he wants it to be. Sad. Some of those churches were supporting me as a missionary (as well as a dozen or so more missionaries) and after the new pastor, we missionaries were all dropped. On the field or off, no difference.

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Free-Stuart – How to Read the Bible for all its Worth

How to Read the Bible for All It’s Worth: A Guide to Understanding the Bible, Gordon D. Fee &s Douglas Stuart, 1982. Dave Sable says: “One day years ago after I left a seminar meeting, still spiritually hungry and muddled in thought, I wandered into a Christian bookstore and came across this book.

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Drugs and Theology

Drugs and Theology. How does one affect the other? Why would they be anyway related? They are in some people and groups. Actually, the connection is between the source of one’s beliefs, and how chemicals affect that set of your belief base.

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