The Problems of Calvinism Part 1

The Problems of Calvinism, Part 1 is a few scattered thoughts on why I reject Calvinism, based in its not representing the facts of Scripture.

The Problems of Calvinism Part 1

This article is just a sheet of my thoughts about the problems of Calvinism, and as I review sources on this, I add the ideas in a format that I can easily find things. The Problems of Calvinism Part 1

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Emergent Church Refutation

Emergent Church Refutation

Emergent Church Refutation
By David Cox

The problem is that the Emergent Church is just wrong. If you are going to believe the Bible at all, if you are going to accept Jesus as your Savior, then you are going to have to accept that information on some basis. That basis is on the authority of the Word of God, the Scriptures, the Bible. If the Bible is true, then it has the divine authority of God, and anything against or contradicts the Bible is false and to be rejected.

This is a matter that the Emergent Church lays the foundation of man’s pleasure over and above God’s authoritative Word (which securely expresses God’s will). This is the most clear way to see this issue, and if so, then we must side with God against man’s ideas no matter how we “feel” about them. If we distrust the Bible, then nothing we know about God is true. Yet there is no reason to distrust the Bible because everything it has and does tell us is right on.

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FP: The Fruit of a False Prophet Obedience part 3

The Fruit of a False Prophet Obedience part 3

The Fruit of a False Prophet: Obedience part 3
Obeying God willingly
By David Cox

Summary: This study will investigate what the fruit (life and ministry) of a false prophet. Part 3 of this series is simply an introduction, and begins by contrasting a man of God’s fruit (piety and holiness) with the false prophet’s fruit (sin, not doing God’s will).

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FP: Fruit of a False Prophet Willfulness part 4

The Fruit of a False Prophet Willfulness part 4

The Fruit of a False Prophet willfulness part 4
By David Cox

Summary: This study will investigate what the fruit (life and ministry) of a false prophet. Part 4 of this series is simply an introduction and begins by contrasting a man of God’s fruit (piety and holiness) with the false prophet’s fruit (sin, not doing God’s will).

For an overview of this, see
False Prophets and Teachers Overview

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Total Depravity: 6. Can a person please God?

How to Please God

please GodPleasing God. The root issue here in total depravity is whether a person or a thing please God. It would behoove us to search the Scriptures to see if there are verses that speak of something pleasing God, and note the circumstances.

I will note an aspect of this. 1) We are sinners. That displeases God. 2) Being sinners, the Bible commends certain people who “tried” to please God. 3) Although we do note that some people “pleased God” this in no way is to say that God accepted them into heaven and as having salvation simply because they pleased God in some aspect of their lives. 4) Pleasing God with your life is not the same as gaining heaven through good works. We need to separate the two ideas as being totally separate and apart. We should not let one “bleed over into the other”. 5) God, in general, instructs all men in how to live morally, and when they follow these moral principles, whether saved or not, God blesses those obedient to his commands and curses those who are disobedient. In general, all thieves have the curse of God on them, and all people who work honestly have a certain “blessing” of God on them. This is not because God has “elected them from eternity past” to be blessed, but God has blessed his moral principles, and by following these principles, one receives a benefit here in this world, but not necessarily entrance into heaven for obeying these other moral principles (the key point then is faith in the work of Christ on the cross as being THE THING that one has to “do” in order to be saved).

1Sam 12:22

1Sam 12:22 For the LORD will not forsake his people for his great name’s sake: because it hath pleased the LORD to make you his people.

What we see here is that it pleased God to make Israel “his people.”

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Bible Versions

Different Bible Versions

Bible VersionsBible Versions. I should start off this post by saying that I believe and use the KJV as my Bible version when I use an English Bible. I am a missionary fluent in Spanish, and use a Spanish Bible version in my church in Mexico City. Let me just say that people who are honest and look at this issue from all sides, and if that person is a modern day “Fundamentalist”, he would have problems “getting into bed” with any one of these theories floating around out there.

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How to tell if you are in cult #5

How to tell if you are in cult #5 teaching by personal example is lost, biblical phraseology is lost to unique terms of the cult, authority is in people and organizations instead of the Bible. This is a study of some simple elements that are very common in cults, false religions, even bad political groups.

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Total Depravity: 3. Counter Example of Jobs Piety

Counter Example of Jobs Piety

Jobs PietyIn this post we example how Job’s righteousness was declared by God to Satan, and Satan did not presume it to be “all of God”, but God attributed it to Job’s will and actions. The piety of Job (Jobs Piety) is a problem for Calvinists because in God’s eyes, Job was just. Not just to get into heaven, but just in his life before God.

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Cults: Soul Liberty vs Manipulation and Control


Cults are dangerous period. There are no “good cults”. All cults work against the form and susbstance that God gives us to work towards, so there is nothing good in cults. But many people are in cults or cultic and abusive churches, and they don’t understand that what they see as “good” is not really good at all. But when a group turns against the Bible doctrine of Soul Liberty (that God has given each individual the ability to discern and decide God’s will in his or her own life) then the group gets “ugly”. By ugly I mean that they get quickly identified as a cult by outsiders.

Definition of Soul Liberty

Rom 14:4 “To his own Master he standeth or falleth.”

Romans 14:12 “So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.”

2Cor 5:10So, then, every one of us must give account of himself to God.

Joshua 24:15 “And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.

Every individual, whether a believer or an unbeliever, has the liberty to choose what their conscience or soul decides is right in the religious realm. This also involves the personal and individual accountability of each person before God.” (North Eulalia Baptist Church)

The concept of “soul liberty” is that between God’s inspired Word, the Bible, our conscience which is manipulated, influenced, and guided by the Holy Spirit, God gives us the resolution to our problems and allows us to individually and without “THE NEED” of other people to enter into our decision making process. While soul liberty defends the “right” of the believer to make his own decisions with the help of God, there are legitimate exceptions.

Soul Liberty is the deep conviction that every man or woman can enter into direct relationship to God without outside mediation… “It is easy for us to yield our integrity and responsibility to some accepted authority: beloved pastor, honored teacher, influential book-even an edition of the Bible, respected parents or dynamic church. These all have their proper role of influence, but the final choice of belief and practice must be made in the secret of the soul’s naked presence before God alone.” – Brownlow Hastings, 1981 taken from

This liberty is given to us by Christ in order for us to better serve God, not to run around pleasing ourselves. 1Pet. 2:16

Husband-Wife – The Bible clearly sets the man as the leader in the home, responsible for the major decisions of the household. But at the same time, a marriage is a partnership, so soul liberty should not be used to exclude the wife from decisions.

Parents-Children – In a family, the parents are the responsible parties for the family until the children are of age and move out. Soul liberty should not be used by children to override their parents’ decision making responsibility.

Employee-Employer – While we have liberty to make our own decisions, when we enter the workforce, we enter work obligations, so soul liberty should not be used in the case of an employee which wishes to overrule his employers orders.

Calvinism and Soul Liberty – With Calvinism overrunning most of Christianity in the last decade or two, it is no wonder that nobody hears of this doctrine. Calvinism fights against any kind of liberty of the soul to act, because they teach one is a preprogrammed puppet, and you cannot be a moral independent agent.

Discerning True, Biblical Soul Liberty

The issue of soul liberty is to refuse the forcing of other people under the control of somebody else. Church leaders can exhort strongly that all should believe and practice what is clearly dictated in the Bible. This does not impinge on soul liberty. But soul liberty is best seen when the leader wants some belief, practice, or particular decision in the church context, and he has no biblical basis for that. If the force of his desire gets him what he wants, and if his desire is not shared by the others that are really paying for it, then there is no soul liberty. Soul liberty is to not force things when there is no clear, valid expositionally correct reasoning based on Scripture for doing something.

Biblical Church: Leadership “suggests” with reasoning based on scriptural principles, but accepts the general consensus of what God’s will is for a particular issue.

Biblical Church: Leadership never “budges” from the clear teaching of Scripture, and never insists to the point of dissension, disunity, and conflict or hard feelings when Scripture is not forcefully clear on the issue.

Cults: The will of the leadership is the same as God speaking from heaven, so normally there is no open discussion, and never is there a vote unless they have rigged it somehow.

Recognizing Elements of Manipulation and Control

Unquestioning commitment and loyalty to a domineering leader.

The person of the leader is very much in focus usually in a cult. There are cults that are raised up on a cultic personality of a charismatic leader, and there are cults that a group of men form, basically taken laid back roles in the group. The obvious is often overlooked. The leader is an “antichrist”. The concept of an “anti-” something comes from the Greek anti, and means someone who takes the place of or is positioned opposite or overpowering some thing or person. So an “antichrist” is somebody who takes the place of Christ. Instead of focusing on being like Christ, the cult focuses on a human substitute, the charismatic leader.

Use of Fear and Intimidation

Cults are people that are very manipulative. The longer they are at this, the better their control of others. They instill fear instead of respect and honor. They position themselves as the very representation of God on earth, so any disagreement with them is like telling God that you disagree with Him. They heavily teach their authority over any others.

Examples – Watchman Nee wrote a book, Spiritual Authority, (if your church requires you to study and read this book, it is most probably a cult) in which he proposes that the local church’s leaders are the members only biblical authority, and if these men ask you to do something unbiblical, then you are to do it, and the blame is put on them, not you. Unlimited submission to human leadership is a common among cults. Nee also taught that each Christian needs “a covering” which is a term for an earthly authority over them, and that Christian shoul dgive blanket unquestioning submission to that authority. This goes beyond the realm of religion, belief, and moral conduct, and extends to secular matters such as marriage, marriage partners, employment, living conditions and quarters, etc. All those had to be approved by a person’s spiritual covering.

Objections and disagreements not allowed.

In general, the members of a group should not be constantly opposing almost everything the group and the group leaders is doing. If that is the situation, the church member should find another church to attend. Having said that, most cults do not admit ANY DISSENSION AT ALL, and there is great social and psychological pressure against any differing opinions.

The point here is not to maintain unity of the church members, but rather to maintain the control of the church leadership over the group. Calling dissenters by names, publicly embarrassing them, or using other tactics to “silence them” are typical in a cult.

A true church of God will hear out differing opinions. The leadership may not follow every dissenting opinion, but they will always be respectful, couretous, and giving them a hearing in some way.

Many times in cults, the members of the cult actually know a good bit of the Bible, and this is a problem when the cult clearly disobeys the Bible. Some member will point this out and become the center of scorn. The leaders and their puppets will “rationalize” incorrect behavior in the light of the Bible, and this is where in a true church, both members and leaders will look to the authority of the Bible to define what is right and what is wrong. Cults also do this when it is to their favor. For example, if the leader steals from the church funds or diverts them, then it is rationalized. If a member steals, then they will quote the Bible condemning the person for theft.

 Deceptive and Lying Baptists

Soul liberty is a key essential in being Baptist, but there has come on the scene a generation of Baptist churches and Baptist preachers who have never once preached on Soul Liberty, and that is because at their heart, they are Baptist cults. (Read here excellent 5 paragraph article on Individual Soul Liberty.)

These Baptist cults teach and preach control and submission by their leaders. They keep their people in tight rein under the group and leaders. They teach that the Holy Spirit is not sufficient (though not in so many words) because they teach that only those who have a higher education in Bible, learning Greek, Hebrew, theology, etc. can really interpret and understand the Bible.

1 John 2:27But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.

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The Calvinist lie of Total Depravity

One of the pillars of Calvinism is tadam-eve-eating-applehe doctrinal of Total Depravity. The doctrine is stated simply as man is totally depraved or evil, and there is no good in him. From they define “
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