Chrnalogar, M.A. – Twisted Scriptures

Twisted ScripturesTwisted Scriptures: A Path to Freedom from Abusive Churches, Mary Alice Chrnalogar, 1997. By wielding distorted Scripture, controlling groups keep earnest believers struggling under the terrible tyranny of oppression, guilt, and fear. The author says, “This book will take you into the inner workings of abusive and controlling groups to show you how they control their members. I will make clear the mind games that many of the major destructively controlling groups have in common.” Checklists at the end of each chapter offer good topics for discussion. Ms. Chrnalogar is herself a former member of an aberrational Christian group.

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VanVonderen, J. – Families where Grace is in Place

graceFamilies Where Grace Is In Place: Getting Free from the Burden of Pressuring, Controlling and Manipulating Your Spouse and Your Children, Jeff VanVonderen, 1992. “Here is a message about how God’s grace can transform relationships within a marriage and family.  The first step is learning the simple difference between God’s job and ours… Healthy relationships between husband and wife, between parents and children, are possible only when the filter of God’s grace is placed over the processes of marriage and parenting. The Christian family’s ultimate goals can be arrived at without using legalistic and manipulative methods.” (Quoted from the back of the book.)

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The Assumption of Mary into Heaven

The Assumption of Mary into Heaven

The Assumption of Mary into Heaven
By David Cox

See my tracts on Catholicism here


This Catholic doctrine is of very recent devise, but it basically reads that Mary never really died like most other people, but ascended directly into heaven at some point similar to Enoch and Elikah, without having died.

“When the course of our Lady’s life on earth was ended she was taken up body and soul into heaven” (Mary—Doctrine for Everyman, p. 34).

As in our other studies on Mary, the Scriptures are totally silent on Mary, Jesus’ mother, after her assembly with her other children in the upper room waiting for the day of Pentecost (Acts 1:14).
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Mary’s Immaculate Conception

Mary’s Immaculate Conception

Mary’s Immaculate Conception
By David Cox

See my tracts on Catholicism here


Contrary to what many people understand, the term “immaculate conception” doesn’t refer to Jesus’ being born without sin, but rather it refers to the Catholic misunderstanding that Mary had to have been born without sin also, because otherwise she would have transferred her sinful nature to Christ.

“When we say that Mary was conceived without sin we mean that from the very first moment of her existence she was free from original sin, she was full of grace” (Mary—Doctrine for Everyman, page 17).

On December 8, 1854, Pope Pius IX declared Mary had been born without sin. Thus, they explained Jesus’ sinless nature and held on to the doctrine of inherited sin.

This doctrine is involved with the Catholic doctrine of inherited sin, which is not biblical. They believe that every human being inherits the sin of Adam through their parents. A few salient points from Scripture is needed here. Continue reading

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The Perpetual Virginity of Mary

The Perpetual Virginity of Mary

The Perpetual Virginity of Mary
By David Cox

See my tracts on Catholicism here



The Catholic church exalts Mary into a position of being a goddess, equal to or over the Trinity. This godness status they assign her cannot be “ruined” by having sexual relations with a man.

“It is Catholic faith that Mary was a virgin before the divine birth; during it; and after it—Our Lady never had any other children” (Mary—Doctrine for Everyman, p. 14).

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FP: The Bad Fruit of a False Prophet part 2

Fruit of a False ProphetSummary: This study will investigate what the fruit (life and ministry) of a false prophet. Part 2 of this series is simply an introduction and begins by contrasting a man of God’s fruit (piety and holiness) with the false prophet’s fruit (sin, not doing God’s will).

For an overview, see
False Prophets and Teachers Overview

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Fruit of a False Prophet and the Bible

Fruit of a False Prophet and the Bible is a study on how false prophets mishandle the Word of God, not fulfilling it in their own life.

Fruit of a False Prophet and his Handling of the Word of God

Fruit of a False Prophet and the Bible
by Pastor David Cox

Summary: This study will investigate what the fruit (life and ministry) of a false prophet. Part 1 of this series is simply an introduction, and begins by contrasting a man of God’s fruit (piety and holiness) with the false prophet’s fruit (sin, not doing God’s will). Continue reading

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FP: Overview of the False Prophet

Overview of the False Prophet

False Prophet
By David Cox

Summary: This is post is an index page for all our studies on the topic of “false_prophet”. Here we will define what is a false_prophet, describe him biblically, his methods and techniques, his goals and objectives, and his show what God says about him.

The existence of false_prophets and teachers is a given in the Bible. You cannot read and understand the Bible without seeing the danger and existence of false prophets. What God wants is for us to discern the incorrect from the correct. God’s instruction about false_prophets is a warning so that we can correctly identify the false prophet and separate from them and their ministries so as not to be hurt, nor enter into the judgment of God on them.

For an overview, see
False Prophets and Teachers Overview

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Quran Koran Contradictions

Quran Koran Contradictions

Quran Koran Contradictions
By David Cox

When we consider that the Bible is a divinely inspired book, that God himself gave us all the words of the Bible, and that God himself made sure that there were no contradictions nor errors, this is what causes us to have confidence in our Bible.

For muslims, they pretend to hold the same true for the Quran/Koran. But they have a problem. First of all, the Bible claims to be inspired, and they “lightly” hold the Bible as also being inspired, though they hold more dearly to the Quran. One or the other must be supremely inspired (and the other a falsehood), or if they both are true, they must harmonize completely, and not contradict themselves between themselves.

When we compare the Bible and Quran, they contradict themselves. Therefore, we should insist on the inspiration of the Bible (came first, set the historical context for Quran, etc) and reject the Quran as being infallible. If the Quran is not infallible (BOTH BIBLE AND THE QURAN CAME BOTH BE INFALLIBLE IF THEY CONTRADICT ONE ANOTHER), it is of little or no use in dicating to us religious morals and commandments. Note Contradictions within the Quran notes where Islam allows changes to be made to the Quran, such as praying towards Jerusalem was changed to Mecca, punishment for adulteresses was life imprisonment (Sura 4:15) but it was changed to flogging with 100 strikes (Sura 24:2), etc.

Internal Contradictions – 121 Contradictions. – very clear examples.

External Errors | Science | History |

Verses Contradicting Earlier Revelations


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Identifying Cults Leadership

Identifying Cults Leadership

Identifying Cults Leadership
By David Cox

In this article Identifying Cults Leadership I talk about how a cult’s leadership is identified. They work very differently from true works of God.

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