FP: The Burden to Confront Sin

FP: The Burden to Confront Sin

Burden to Confront SinThe Burden to Confront Sin
by David Cox

Titus 1:13 This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith;
14 Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.

One of the true signs of a man of God is his burden to confront sin. Perhaps the single most horrible manuever of Satan is that of setting up many churches that are really good places, with good likeable people, and a great dynamic pastor that preachers wonderfully, but not of that actually confronts sin. There is no Burden to Confront Sin. This is a church where you can go and feel good about yourself, and where you can really go in total confidence that nothing there will challenge the sin in your life. These churches are often designer specific, such as the homosexual church, or the rich person’s church, or the yuppie young people’s church. The thing that stands out about them is whenever there is a public rebuke, it is like the end of the world. “We never heard that before. Why did the preacher just ruin our church?Continue reading

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Errors of Calvinism

Errors of Calvinism

Errors of Calvinism
By David Cox

Errors of CalvinismIn the pages under this topic, I will mark the problems, abuses, error (heresy), and refutation of Calvinism. Over the years I have come to increasing see Calvinism taking the exact form of a cult, and this is very serious. In contrast to being the mark of fidelity, it is the mark of error. Although most people who are Calvinists simply won’t consider anything else as being true to God, please read my arguments against Calvinism and compare them with the reality of church life and the truth of God, and you will see in a Calvinist church, there are grave problems. Continue reading

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Narcissism Pleasure Lovers, not Lovers of God

Narcissism Pleasure Lovers, not Lovers of God

Topic: Narcissism Pleasure Lovers, not Lovers of God
By David Cox

Narcissism Pleasure LoversIn this installment on Narcissism, we look at how Narcissism Lovers of Pleasure, not of God works out. This is an idolatry against the true God.

Pleasure has become the new god of this age. While there are lots of other gods “running around”, the masses have embraced the concept of pleasure as their ultimate goal. They think about it constantly, and they simply endure work in order to enable them to worship their god, pleasure. Pleasure is not really the god here though. It is self. Pleasure is simply an experience that pleases self. This is the god, self-love, pleasing one’s self.

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John Pipers Errors

John Pipers Errors

John Pipers Errors
By David Cox

In this post John Pipers Errors we introduce some thoughts on why John Piper is not worth following in his theology and thoughts. We should begin with his Calvinism, but as a man of God, Piper falls down on many fronts.

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Is Infant Baptism the teaching of the Bible?

Is Infant Baptism the teaching of the Bible? I examine the teachings of the Bible and the logical outworking of Scripture in defense and attacking infant baptism, showing the Bible does not teach it.

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How to tell if you are in cult #6

How to tell if you are in cult #6 treats your doctrine is out of sync with the Bible or going lacking on specific teachings of the Bible. How to tell if you are in cult

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Preacher’s Motives 1Thess 2:1-12

In this article, I want to look at the preacher’s motives, what they should be in the light of the Bible, and also look at what they are not to be. The principal passage we will be looking at in 1Thessalonians 2.

This is the first article in a series of articles on money and the minister. See Tag: http://www.theologicalsystems.com/tag/money-and-the-minister/ Continue reading

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Pastoral Covetousness OT

Pastoral Covetousness

Pastoral Covetousness
By David Cox

Pastoral CovetousnessA false prophet is easily identified by their Pastoral Covetousness. Simply put, he desires a high life which he gets from his relationship with the church. In this study, we look at how the Bible requires the man of God to stand far off from covetousness.

This is the first article in a series of articles on money and the minister. See Tag: http://www.theologicalsystems.com/tag/money-and-the-minister/

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Discerning between a False and True Christianity

Discerning between a False and True Christianity is an article explaining how to discern between falsehood and true Christianity.

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Narcissism Definition

Narcissism Definition

Topic:Narcissism Definition
By David Cox

My Tract on PC50 Narcissism versus Love

NarcissistSummary: This post gives Narcissism Definition and explains what narcissism is, and how it affects you and guides you away from the false prophet.

Narcissism is defined in dictionary.com as being…

1. inordinate fascination with oneself; excessive self-love; vanity.
Synonyms: self-centeredness, smugness, egocentrism.

2. Psychoanalysis. erotic gratification derived from admiration of one’s own physical or mental attributes, being a normal condition at the infantile level of personality development.

Narcissism is a concentration self-love that is very easily recognizable, and most false prophets clearly evolve into this narcissistic model. If you wish to stay away from the bad influence of a wrong, bad, unfit church leader, you need go no further than compare him with the elements of Narcissism to see how he stacks up. Maybe not every single false prophet will be recognizable by his narcissism, by much more than the majority will.

The Narcissist is a person who is totally focused on himself/herself which puts their own person, benefit, pleasure, and glory above everybody else.

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