Overview of Profile of the False Prophet. I outline the general characteristics of the false prophet, which in following posts I will define each characteristic. This first part will deal with some definitions of the false prophet.
I am constantly researching and understanding this from Scripture myself, but I have a lot of notes which I am sharing with the people of God. Here I will only briefly mention these characteristics as an overview, and in this category, I will be adding more detailed explanations in the future. Check back for updates and expansions.
A Foundational Basis
The false prophet is an antichrist. He is not saved. He is deceived in his understandings, or he is a deceiver, or both. But what Christ is, we are to imitate Jesus Christ. A false prophet is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, so he wants to be recognized as a Christian, a minister, and always as a highly spiritual guide of other Christians. He is none of that, but a deceiver used by Satan to draw people away from the moral image of Christ.
Definition – Are Guided by Demons
A false prophet basically has the same purpose of soul as a demon. They serve Satan instead of God. Deluded as they are, they somehow think that they will be victorious over God, or deceive even God so that they will not come into judgment, but deep down, they know that God will win in the end, and this makes them bitter and hateful.
Definition -Are Unsaved
We need to understand the difference between a minister who makes mistakes because he lacks understanding or discernment, and a false prophet who has not been saved nor does he have the Holy Spirit guiding his life (or at least trying to do so). But these people ALWAYS see themselves as spiritually superior to others, while they are not even saved.
Definition -Are Useless Ministers
The false prophet “gains his audience” by projecting the image that he is a wise, spiritually superior minister of God. They do not receive criticism well, and as a rule, anybody who does not submit to them is unspiritual. In God’s sight, they are not His servants, and they are not saved.
Definition – Preach another Christ
Jesus Christ is the moral image of God, which a person has to “receive” (John 1:12) in order to be saved. The key to understanding the false prophet is to understand that the moral image he follows is of his own making, and it is not Jesus Christ as presented in the Bible. It is very important to understand how important the image of Christ is to the false prophet and the Devil, his master. Satan wants people to “look at the sun” (Son of God), but just as in a solar eclipse, the moon blocks out the sun. Satan and his men take the spotlight from Christ for themselves. People think they are seeing Christ, but the moral character is not that of Jesus at all. It is the opposite, or the antichrist.
Definition – Preach a Health Gospel
A false prophet works with foundational understandings that are not what the Bible teaches. He only focuses on this world, and what is important in our lives. God states that because we all sin, we will die. This is basically our bodies run down and fail, then we die, and as that happens, sickness becomes a blessing of God. If it were not for sickness that leads to death, we would live with multiplying sin, which makes us ruin our lives. Eternal life is defined as living forever in heaven with God, but living in such a state that we live the moral character of God, which in itself is eternal life. The false prophet offers a solution to sickness, but it becomes a false god.
Definition – Preach a Prosperity Gospel
Equally wrong, the false prophet preaches a prosperity gospel, and this again misunderstands the value of earthly riches. We are not to focus on making riches our god, but rather we live in the world, we use money, but our treasures are in heaven. This is a confusion in our earthly existence.
Definition – Worship Another God
The false prophet redefines God in some other way than what the Bible defines Him. He makes God into something that He is not. While this is hard to see many times, the teaching and preaching and his own example do not parallel what God has revealed to us about Himself, and the false prophet is nothing like the image of Jesus Christ that the New Testament portrays him to be.
Overview of Profile of the False Prophet
More Posts under the Profile of the False Prophet Category
- Overview of Profile of the False Prophet Part 5
- Overview of Profile of the False Prophet Part 4
- Overview of Profile of the False Prophet Part 3
- Overview of Profile of the False Prophet Part 2
- Overview of Profile of the False Prophet Part 1
- False Prophets Preach a Substitute Message
- False Prophets are Unsaved
- False Prophets Are Unoriginal, Plagiarists
- False Prophets Are Proud Arrogant
- False Prophets Are Guided by Demons