Overview of Profile of the False Prophet. I outline the general characteristics of the false prophet, which in following posts I will define each characteristic. This second part will deal with marks of the false prophet.
Marks – Another Christ
It is very subtle, but the false prophet preaches Jesus Christ, but his understanding of Jesus is different from the Bible’s teaching. Who Jesus is, completely God, but incarnated in a human body for the purpose of saving mankind, is twisted in his understanding and presentation. He wants his presentation of Jesus to be just enough biblically as to deceive people to accepting his false and fraudulent ministry, but he doesn’t want people to be saved. He defines success in captivating his followers in his web of deception, not being like Jesus Christ.
Marks – Another Doctrine
The Bible emphasizes that we are to follow the Apostles’ doctrine. There is a spiritual principle in Scripture that doctrine produces conduct. You cannot “believe” correct doctrine if that same doctrine is not understood by you, and you practice it consistently in your personal life. So the reverse is also true. Bad conduct shows where bad doctrine is believed and practiced.
Marks – Another Gospel
The concept of one’s “gospel” is that life overwhelming singular thing that transforms and dominates one’s life. A person’s gospel is what that person understands as foundational to his being. In the prosperity gospel heresy, money is that foundational thing. The obtaining and enjoying of wealth, earthly pleasure. A false prophet cannot be satisfied with just having Christ, but he uses Christ as a means to obtain money. The Health Gospel heresy focus on physical health.
Marks – Are envious of Others
A false prophet does not correct and restrict his own life so that he pleases God. He lives a lie. He displeases God. Therefore, his attitude towards others who do please God is to have envy and spite towards them. Cain did wrong before God. Able pleased God. Neither have anything to do with what the other did or didn’t do, but each had a one on one relationship with God. Cain’s failure in pleasing God did not motivate him to change his life, but to kill his brother. This is the birth of hate, which, when carried to its logical extreme, ends with death.
Marks – Are liars, deceitful
Satan is the father of lies and deceit. As servants of Satan, the false prophet will as readily use lies as breath. As a fish takes in and exhales water, the false prophet is filled with deceptions and lies. He uses speech as a way to get what he wants from others. His words never ring true, because he uses words as an instrument to gain his own will.
Marks – Are Proud, Arrogant
Just as Satan is proud and arrogant, the false prophet follows in Satan’s footsteps. Nobody is greater or more glorious than God. Yet Satan presumed to present himself as equal or superior to God. This arrogance of heart against God is easily seen in how the false prophet understands himself in comparison to other people.
Marks – Are Savage, Cruel
The false prophet is described as being a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Wolves are cruel and savage, and they may kill without the need to eat what they kill. They glory in the pleasure of destroying others. The false prophet ruins the lives of other people, and it is a great pleasure to do this. The only limit is that he wants to continue the ruse even after destroying people’s lives, so he hides his sins from public view.
Overview of Profile of the False Prophet
More Posts under the Profile of the False Prophet Category
- Overview of Profile of the False Prophet Part 5
- Overview of Profile of the False Prophet Part 4
- Overview of Profile of the False Prophet Part 3
- Overview of Profile of the False Prophet Part 2
- Overview of Profile of the False Prophet Part 1
- False Prophets Preach a Substitute Message
- False Prophets are Unsaved
- False Prophets Are Unoriginal, Plagiarists
- False Prophets Are Proud Arrogant
- False Prophets Are Guided by Demons