False Prophets Are Unoriginal, Plagiarists. They have no originality with God, but must depend on true Christians who do.

False Prophets Are Unoriginal, Plagiarists

False Prophets Are Unoriginal, Plagiarists

The true minister of God gets his message from God. This is the source of what he teaches and preaches. But, in reality, his best messages are coming from his personal devotional life with God. The false prophet has no personal devotional life with God. He copies real men of God to appear like them, wolf in sheep’s clothing again. But he cannot come up with a constant message from God in the long run. He only copies who he thinks the people will like.

False Prophets Are Unoriginal, Plagiarists. They have no originality with God, but must depend on true Christians who do.

What is a Plagiarist?

Jeremiah 23:30 Therefore, behold, I am against the prophets, saith the LORD, that steal my words every one from his neighbour.

A plagiarist is someone who steals somebody else’s words. In the case of the false prophet, he steals the words of the Lord. How is this? Instead of getting the message of God legitimately, he gets it illegitimately.

How does a person legitimately receive the Message of God?

No person can get the message of God correctly unless they hear and receive it to obey it in their own personal life. The false prophet is a great student, because he studies everything that he can understand about a Christian and a man of God, the preacher, without every personally engaging in any of that. In other words, he knows as much as possible about being a Christian and being a spokesman for God, but without every being saved.

As such, the false prophet cannot be a true prophet, because he does not apply any spiritual principle that God commands in his own personal life. What he knows about salvation and God is all vicarious, i.e. he experiences it through others, not by having a living, vibrant saving relationship with God.

People who sit under his teaching and ministry become hypocrites, just like he is.

What is the real difference between a false prophet and a true prophet?

A true prophet of God (just like a real Christianity) bases his spiritual life on faith. Faith in this discussion is a conviction of heart that what he is entertaining in his mind, heart, and soul, is true, totally, and irreversibly true. He risks his life and his eternal life on this doctrine being true.

The false prophet is without this kind of saving faith. Moreover, everything in his ministry is based on the premise that the words of God are powerless, therefore he has to use psychology, worldly wisdom, trickery, deceit, and any other dark power he can muster to get others to come under his control and do what he wants.

He does not believe that God’s Word is powerful to complete and succeed what is God’s purposes. He believes in Satan and his power, but not in God and his power.

Luke 6:46 And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?

The false prophet only gives lip service to God, but he does not work the promises of God through to the end, to achieving things for God. The false prophet is impotent in prayer.

False Prophets Are Unoriginal, Plagiarists

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