Coxs Study on the Holy Spirit


Coxs Study on the Holy Spirit is a work in progress (as of July 2024) which was started in 1984, and continues today. One day I will publish this work or post it in its entirety on one of my websites. These are the chapters as of July 2024. Note that some chapters will be posted on this present website for preview purposes, and links to those chapters will linked here with the posting dates. I will be updating this page from time to time as I work more on this book and do more research.

Cox Study Notes on the Holy Spirit [7]
General Definition of what is a “spirit”
“The Holy Ghost” is not a correct interpretation.
Some Internet Studies on Ruach and its meaning

  • Old Testament Occurrences of Hebrew “RUACH” or spirit [13]
    Ruach in Genesis
    Ruach in Exodus
    Ruach in Numbers
    Ruach in Deuteronomy
    Ruach in Joshua
    Ruach in Judges
    Ruach in 1 Samuel
    Ruach in Psalms
    Ruach in Proverbs
    Ruach in Isaiah
    Ruach in Joel
    Ruach in Zechariah
    Ruach in Malachi
  • Old Testament occurrences of “spirit” [30]
    Genesis occurrences of “spirit”
    Exodus occurrences of “spirit”
    Leviticus occurrences of “spirit”
    Numbers occurrences of “spirit”
    Deuteronomy occurrences of “spirit”
    Joshua occurrences of “spirit”
    Judges occurrences of “spirit”
    1 Samuel occurrences of “spirit”
    2 Samuel occurrences of “spirit”
    1 Kings occurrences of “spirit”
    2 Kings occurrences of “spirit”
    1 Chronicles occurrence of “spirit”
    2 Chronicles occurrences of “spirit”
    Ezra occurrences of “spirit”
    Nehemiah occurrences of “spirit”
    Job occurrences of “spirit”
    Psalms occurrences of “spirit”
    Proverbs occurrences of “spirit”
    Ecclesiastes occurrences of “spirit”
    Isaiah occurrences of “spirit”
    Jeremiah occurrences of “spirit”
    Lamentations occurrences of “ghost”
    Ezekiel occurrences of “spirit”
    Daniel occurrences of “spirit”
    Hosea occurrences of “spirit”
    Joel occurrences of “spirit”
    Micah occurrences of “spirit”
    Haggai occurrences of “spirit”
    Zechariah occurrences of “spirit”
    Malachi occurrences of “spirit”

Definition of “pneuma” (Spirit)

  • New Testament occurrences of “spirit”
    Matthew occurrences of “spirit”
    Mark occurrences of “spirit”
    Luke occurrences of “spirit”
    John occurrences of “spirit”
    Acts occurrences of “spirit”
    Romans occurrences of “spirit”
    1 Corinthians occurrences of “spirit”
    2 Corinthians occurrences of “spirit”
    Galatians occurrences of ‘spirit’
    Ephesians occurrences of “spirit”
    Philippians occurrences of “spirit”
    Colossians occurrences of “spirit”
    1 Thessalonians occurrences of “spirit”
    2 Thessalonians occurrences of “spirit”
    1 Timothy occurrences of “spirit”
    2 Timothy occurrences of “spirit”
    Titus occurrences of “ghost”
    Philemon occurrences of “spirit”
    Hebrews occurrences of “spirit”
    James occurrences of “spirit”
    1 Peter occurrences of “spirit”
    2 Peter occurrences of “ghost”
    1 John occurrences of “spirit”
    Jude occurrences of “spirit”
    Revelation occurrences of “spirit”
  • Names of the Holy Spirit [33]
    A. “Holy Ghost/Spirit”
    B. Spirit et al
    C. Spirit of God
    D. Spirit of the Lord
    E. Spirit of Christ
    F. Comforter, Advocate, Helper
    G. Advocate
    H. Counselor
    I. God
    J. The Eternal Spirit
    K. Good Spirit
    L. The Spirit is Lord
    M. Author of Scripture
    N. The Spirit of Grace
    O. The Spirit of Knowledge
    P. The Spirit of Truth
    Q, The Spirit of Understanding
    R. The Spirit of Wisdom
    S. The Spirit of Life
    T. The Spirit of Prophecy
    U. The Spirit of Revelation
    V. The Spirit of the Father
    W. The Breath of the Almighty
    X. Free Spirit
    Y. The Earnest, The Spirit of Promise
    Z. The Spirit of Judgment
    AA. The Spirit of Burning
    BB. The Spirit of Counsel and Might
    CC. The Spirit of the Fear of the Lord
    DD. Oil of Gladness
    EE. The Spirit of Glory
    FF. The Anointing
    GG. The Gift of God

  • Offices of the Holy Spirit [17]
    A. Comforter [3]
    i. Resource for Parakletos, Comforter
    ii. Notes on parakeleo
    iii. Miserable Comforters
    B. Teacher
    C. Guide
    D. Witness
    E. Intercessor
    F. Sanctificer
    G. Reprover
    H. Revealer Ephesians 3:5
    I. Love-Giver
    J. Justifier
    K. Inspirer
    L. Author of our Life
    M. Quickener
    N. Searcher
    O. Way of Access
    P. Renewer
    Z. Mentions in Works on the Office of the HS [1]
    1. Spurgeon The HS Chief Office.
  • Symbols or Emblems used of the Holy Spirit. [16]
    A. Breath
    B. Wind
    C. Dove
    D. Finger of God
    E. Fire [1]
    i. God is a consuming Fire
    F. Spirit Birth
    G. The Spirit of Truth John 16:13
    H. Deposit / Seal / Earnest
    I. Oil
    J. Water
    K. A Cloud
    L. As Clothing
    M. A Seal
    N. As a River
    O. As Rain
    P. As Wine
  • The Works of the Holy Spirit
    Defining the Essence of the Holy Spirit [3]
    The Holy Spirit is Cleanliness
    The Holy Spirit is Truth
    The Holy Spirit is Life
  • Personality of the Holy Spirit [3]
    A. The H.S. has personal characteristics [3]
    1. The H.S. Possesses Intelligence.
    2. The H.S. possesses an individual will.
    3. The H.S. possesses power.
    4. The H.S. possesses knowledge.
    5. The H.S. possesses love.
    6. He possesses Goodness.
    7. He possesses Love.
    8. The H.S. possesses emotion and feeling.
    B. Personal Pronouns [3]
    1. The Holy Spirit s name is unknown.
    2. The title “Holy Spirit” is a designation.
    3. The Holy Spirit withholds His name so that Christ may be glorified.
    C. Personal Acts [3]
    1. He speaks.
    2. He intercedes.
    3. He testifies
    4. He Commands
    5. He oversees
    6. He guides.
    7. He teaches
    8. He works miracles.
    D. Personal Reactions [7]
    1. He may be grieved.
    2. He may be vexed.
    3. He may be tested.
    4. He may be resisted.
    5. He may be rebelled against
    6. He is lied to
    7. He may be blasphemed.
    E. Personal Relationships [3]
    1. With the Father and the Son
    2. With the Apostles
    3. With Christ
    F. Names of the Spirit in relation to Men
    G. Masculine pronouns are used in referring to the Holy Spirit
    H. Is the Holy Spirit a force?
  • The Deity of the Holy Spirit [4]
    A. He is called God
    B. He is called Lord
    C. He possesses Divine Attributes [6]
    1. Everlastingness
    2. Omnipotence
    3. Omniscience
    4. Omnipresence
    5. Holiness
    6. Love
    D. The Works of God [3]
    1. Creation
    2. Regeneration
    3. Resurrection
  • The Holy Spirit and His Relationships with God the Father, and God the Son [2]
    The Holy Spirit is different than either God the Father or God the Son
    Inconfusibility between the Persons of the Trinity
  • The Holy Spirit and the World [4]
    A. Creation
    B. Hindrances to evil [5]
    1. Conviction of Sin
    2. Striving with Man
    3. Instruction
    4. Leading
    5. Restoration and Preservation
    C. Offenses to the Spirit
    D. Regeneration
  • The Holy Spirit and Scripture [2]
    A. Inspiration of Scripture
    B. Interpretation of Scripture
  • The Holy Spirit and the Believer [20]
    A. Offenses to the Holy Spirit
    B. The Holy Spirit constitutes the church
    C. The Holy Spirit abides in the church
    D. The Holy Spirit seals believers
    E. The Holy Spirit intercedes forthe believer
    F. The Holy Spirit builds or edifies the Believer
    G. The Holy Spirit regenerates the Believers
    H. The Holy Spirit Indwells the Believer
    I. The Holy Spirit gives assurance
    J. The Holy Spirit fills the Believer
    K. The Holy Spirit liberates
    L. The Holy Spirit directs
    M. The Holy Spirit equips
    N.The Filling of the Holy Spirit [2]
    i. Study on “to fill’
    ii. The Fullness of Christ by Octavius Winslow
    O. Resting of the Holy Spirit upon people
    P. The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit
    Q. The Baptism of the Spirit [2]
    1. Baptism and the Indwelling of the Spirit
    2. Who spoke of the “baptism of the Holy Spirit”?
    R. The Promise of the Spirit – Spirit poured out [2]
    i. The Spirit is “poured out”
    ii. What was an Old Testament Drink offering?
    S. The Spirit falls on men [2]
    i. The Spirit “falling upon”
    ii. Joel 2 and Acts 2 are about Judgment
    T. The Baptism of Fire or purifying Fire
  • The Holy Spirit and Spiritual Gifts in the Believer [1]
    A. Overview of Spiritual Gifts [2]
    i. Difference between a Spiritual Gift and a Natural Talent
    ii. God’s Distribution of Gifts
  • The Holy Spirit and the Work of Christ [3]
    A. Work in reference to the Covenant
    B. Reference to His work in His earthly manifestations
    C. Reference to His work during the Covenant
  • The True Significance of Pentecost [5]
    A. The Historical Meaning of Pentecost
    B. Scripture Study of Related Verses
    C. A “Second Work of Grace?”
    D. Problem of Lordship Salvation
    E. The HS in people before Pentecost
  • The Work of the Holy Spirit [3]
    The Holy Spirit’s works in Relation to the Material Universe
    The Holy Spirit works in Relation to Unregenerate Men
  • The Holy Spirit works in Relation to the Believer [3]
    1. He regenerates the Believer
    2. He sanctifies us.
    3. He produces the fruit of Christlike graces
    4. He liberates
    5. He directs us, comforts us.
    6. He equips for service
    7. He teaches us, wisdom.
    8. He testifies of Jesus Christ.

Selected Authors on Pentecost [1]
1. Cummings

Bibliography [1]
Gilley Pnuematology (Table of Contents)
Microfilm/Microfiche Bibliography
Internet Bibliography

Appendices [27]
1. Cox The Personality of the Holy Spirit
2. George MacDonald – God is a consuming fire.
3. Alexander Maclaren – The Lord’s Furnace
4. Alexander Maclaren – Purifying the Soul
5. Cox – John Wesley (Methodism’s) Second Work of Grace
6. Tozer – Marks of a Spiritual Man
7. Solascritura – 7 Marks of a Spiritual Man
8. Does God send evil spirits?
9. Why did God send an evil spirit to torment King Saul?
10. Tract: The Blessing of the Presence of God
11. The Importance of Names in the Bible
12. Tract: The Vulgar and Foulmouthed
13. Tract: God hears only the Contrite Ones
14. Is Acts 2 the first time a believer was filled with the Holy Spirit?
15. Torrey, R.A. – The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit as Revealed in his Names
16. Towns The Names of the Holy Spirit
17. Comforter: Parakeleo People with the gift of Exhortation
17. Ryrie – Sermon of the Holy Spirit
18. Ryrie Series Sermon on the Holy Spirit
19. Bob McCabe, The Holy Spirit’s Indwelling Ministry in the Old Testament
20. Ryrie, The Baptism of the Holy Spirit (unpublished notes)
21. Ryrie, Teaching and Preaching Notes on the Holy Spirit (unplublished)
22. Ryrie, The Holy Spirit and the Bible (unpublished notes)
24. The way of God
25. The Fear of the Lord
26. God is One.

Coxs Study on the Holy Spirit
