Free-Stuart – How to Read the Bible for all its Worth

How to Read the Bible for All It’s Worth: A Guide to Understanding the Bible, Gordon D. Fee &s Douglas Stuart, 1982. Dave Sable says: “One day years ago after I left a seminar meeting, still spiritually hungry and muddled in thought, I wandered into a Christian bookstore and came across this book.

It revolutionized my thinking about the Bible. Two scholars who love the Lord and wanted to acquaint believers with basic ground rules for interpreting Scripture wrote it. It has a great chapter on the use of Parables as well as dealing with historical narratives, the book of Acts, prophecy, the law, Revelation and other writing styles incorporated in God’s word. This book discusses some basic ground rules and restraints we need to follow when seeking to interpret the Bible. I believe it should be required reading for all believers and especially those in leadership who have teaching responsibilities [take note, current assembly leaders!]. I heartily recommend that you read and study this book.” Joe Sperling also recommends this book.

Burroughs Gospel Worship
14 chapters (263 pages) which are each a sermon on how to properly worship God. (format PDF)
“Jeremiah Burroughs’ Gospel Worship has greatly influenced my understanding of biblical worship. It is one of the most important books I have ever read.” –R.C. Sproul
Download: Burroughs Gospel Worship.