Category Archives: Marks of a Cult

How to tell if you are in cult #3

How to tell if you are in cult #3 condemnation of impropriety of a leader is swept under the rug, giving is controlled, loyalty is to the cult first before Christ. Continue reading

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Cults: What is their source of Authority?

Cults: What is their source of Authority? describes the marks of a cult so you will know how to identify them. Continue reading

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a Cult versus the true Church

The community of a Cult versus the true Church is an article on discerning the difference between a cult like religious group and the true church as God presents it in Scripture. Continue reading

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Cults: Lies and Deceptions

In this post I explain how deception is woven into the very fabric of cults. Continue reading

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FP: The Burden to Confront Sin

FP: The Burden to Confront Sin One of the true signs of a man of God is his burden to confront sin. Perhaps the single most horrible manuever of Satan is that of setting up many churches that are really good places, with good likeable people, and a great dynamic pastor that preachers wonderfully, but not of that actually confronts sin. Continue reading

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How to tell if you are in cult #6

How to tell if you are in cult #6 treats your doctrine is out of sync with the Bible or going lacking on specific teachings of the Bible. Continue reading

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Cults: What is salvation? How does it change you?

Cults: What is salvation? How does it change you? is a short article on how true salvation changes the person. Continue reading

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FP: Unshackled from God’s Will

In this post we examine how false prophets are unshackled from God’s will, doing their own plans, inventions, and will. Continue reading

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How to tell if you are in cult #5

How to tell if you are in cult #5 teaching by personal example is lost, biblical phraseology is lost to unique terms of the cult, authority is in people and organizations instead of the Bible. Continue reading

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Cults: Soul Liberty vs Manipulation and Control

In this post, Soul Liberty vs Manipulation and Control, we examine how cults ignore “soul liberty” which the Bible teaches. We compare this freedom God gives us to the manipulation and control which Cults impose. Continue reading

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