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- Detecting Emergent Churches Eschatology Part 4 Thu 12/26/24
- FP: Fruit of a False Prophet Disobedience Part 8 Thu 1/2/25
- Narcissism Lovers of Self Thu 1/9/25
- Hession – We would see Jesus Thu 1/16/25
Buy me a Cup of Coffee! To make an old Christian work into a PDF, a module for theWord, MySword, or eSword takes time. These works are scans from old books, and as such, I have to go through the text some dozen times looking for places where the OCR is incorrect, blurred, or just skipped something.
Text Editing.Then there are the old Bible references like John iii. 16. Many young Christians and even preachers do not know the Latin system for books of the Bible. I convert Roman numerals in these books to Arabic (iii. to 3).
I have had to invest days and days in writing macros to read a long text, and make substitutions (for the above, search for "iii" and replace with "3:"). Unfortunately, with Psalms you have to start with 150 in Roman numerals (CL) and work your way backwards. But using macros, it is almost instantaneous the next time I need this. Work smarter, not harder. All this takes time and patience, (and being smart enough to do it in a macro language) (as well as a lot of coffee) and then making the text into theWord or eSword, mySword or a PDF.
Please donate something to me once every 6 months or even once a year, even if it is only $5, so that I can pay my bills for hosting, and also keep things moving along. It costs me about $10 per month to keep a website on the Internet. My websites also contains ads which have links to my sermons, tracts, books, that I have written. These keep my works before visitors, even if they are not visiting the specific website where I have them stored. It is my own "web" internally of my own sites with links to good Christian literature. May God bless for your prayers and donations.
Take a look at a few of our tracts:
salv76 suffering should seek his Savior - explains how we should react to problems and sufferings, we should seek the Savior.
pc15 How to fight against depression - we treat the problem of depression. Depression is not a physical disease, it is an emotional and spiritual disease that "bleeds over" and causes aggravation and physical consequences if not attended to at the spiritual-social-emotional level.
ch15 Congregating because we Love - a tract about why we attend church. Our relationship with our brethren in Christ is highly integrated with our salvation and our sanctification.
SSTeen1-01 Existence of God - Does God really exist? This is not a tract but a teen Sunday School Class that I wrote answering this important question.
fam48 Men are God's Agents - Men are God’s Agents to accomplish His Will, looks at man as God wants him to be. Manhood and the husband-wife relationship.
Donations: Tracts
evc06 The Young Age of the Earth We explain why scientific evidence supports a young earth against evolutions long time spans. Evolutionists insist on extremely long time spans in earth's past and formation, because evolution "is not seen", i.e., there is no present evidence of the evolutionary theory process today. So they insert time such that no scientist can study it nor observe it. This tract clears this point up from a creationist's point of view. God formed the earth instantly, not over long time spans.
Topics: The Salinity of the Oceans | Time is important | The Long Spans of Time | Bayes Law | First law of Thermodynamics | Second law of Thermodynamics | The Error of Presuming that everything continues Today as It Happened in the Past | Topsoil Testimony | The Accumulation of Space Dust on Meteors | The Sun, the Meteors, and the Moon | The Magnetic Field | The Deterioration in the Rotation of the Earth | Helium in the Atmosphere | The Process to Discern Age by Carbon 14.
Read the Tract: evc06 The Young Age of the Earth.Tract Group 1
ch20 Baptists: Why we call ourselves Baptists v.1.2 Baptists: Why we call ourselves “Baptists”? What does “Baptist” mean? An honest explanation of why we are Baptist.
Topics: John the Baptist | What the name “Baptist” does NOT mean | (1) The Authority of the Bible | (2) True Baptists demand an exclusively saved membership. | (3) Soul Liberty | (4) The Priesthood of Every Believer | (5) There are two Ordinances: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper | (6) There are only two official church offices: Pastor and Deacon | (7) The Autonomy of the Local Church | (8) Separation of Church and State – Some groups put this under point number 7, saying they do not receive state funds or support.
coxtracts ch20 Baptists: Why we call ourselves Baptists v.1.2.Buy Me a Cup of Coffee
A carpenter making his own tools is an explanation of why I, Pastor-Missionary David Cox, write my own material. I like the idea of producing the material that we use in our ministry and also for evangelism.
Read the short article: A carpenter making his own tools.Tract Group 2
I am Pastor David Cox, the Webmaster of this site. I am an independent Baptist Missionary pastor working in Mexico City since 1984. Many churches reject a fundamentalist because we do not accept the many false doctrines that modern churches have in common. We believe the Bible, and we preach and teach it. I have written over 400+ tracts and more than 60+ books which are just an extension of my pulpit ministry. All are free. Please help us keep this good material on the Internet for the world.
If you like what you see on this website, please help us with even a small donation. These sites cost me about $10 per month per site. Please donate something to help with this burden.
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Note: I am a local church missionary, and you can find my home church here ( where you can write a check to our ministry and receive a tax-deductible receipt at the end of the year.Good Books from my Sites
Mutch History of Premillennialism is a compilation of papers at a Second Coming Conference in 1885 at a camp meeting in Niagra Indiana. These paper present the thinking and verses supporting an imminent Second Coming in the air, premillennial coming of Christ. Download: Mutch History of PremillennialismAds and News
Helping Returning Missionaries are my thoughts and suggestions for missionaries returning on furlough to the States, also those on deputation. Topics: How are we helping returning missionaries? | Let me put forth my mindset. | Coming Home and Culture Shock | The Problems of Cyber Space and Missionaries | Stick to Standard Forms of Communication | You can Help Returning Missionaries by understanding their lifestyle | More Lifestyle Differences | Helping Missionaries with Dental, Eyecare, Medical Care | Churches can help Returning missionaries - Housing | Small stuff | Get expert Advice | My Best Experiences with Visiting a Church as a Missionary Speaker.
Read the Article: Helping Returning Missionaries.
Category Archives: Spiritual Abuse-Cults
FP: False prophets worship other gods
This article explain how the false prophets worship other gods of his own creation. Continue reading
FP: Using Scripture or Following Scripture?
We look at the distinct different of view from the true man of God towards Scripture, and the false prophet’s view towards Scripture. Continue reading
How to tell if you are in cult #1
How to tell if you are in a Cult is a study of some simple elements that are very common in cults, false religions, even bad political groups Continue reading
How to tell if you are in cult #7
How to tell if you are in cult #7 is another post on where repentance should dominate in the person of the pastor and in the environment of the local church. Continue reading
How to tell if you are in cult #2
How to tell if you are in cult #2 no soul liberty, member problems only through the leadership, the cult comes before your family. Continue reading
Cult Exit: Problems, Detention, and How-Tos
Cult Exit: Problems, Detention, and How-Tos is an article by David Cox on identifying a cult through the difficulty in leaving it. Continue reading
Cults: Double Standards and Hypocrisy
Cults: Double Standards and Hypocrisy is a post about how cults have double standards, but the true work of God does not. Continue reading
Cults: Biblical Definition of a Cult
Cults: Biblical Definition of a Cult is a post on some thoughts about identifying what is a cult from what is a good church. Continue reading
False Prophet bad fruit Part 1
False Prophet bad fruit Part 1 is a study on the False Prophet in the Bible, his fruit is bad and that is what he produces. Continue reading
The difference between Abuse and Mistakes
The difference between Abuse and Mistakes is an article on separating a mistake that some pastor makes versus pastoral abuse, or a false prophet. Continue reading