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- 7 signs of abusive leaders Thu 3/13/25
doct55 Increase our Faith we define faith from the Bible, and explain how faith has to have corresponding evidence in our lives. We also explain how to increase our faith, as per the Bible. Topics> What is Faith? | Faith in what is Spiritual | Some observations about Faith | How does the process of being born of faith work? | Faith is to consistently “Believe” and “Practice” what God declares to us | The Secret of Increasing your Faith | What is after having faith?
Read the Tracts: doct55 Increase our Faith.New Tracts
Open Borders: The Medical Angle. In this article, I will look at things from the Medical angle. The government's non-response to immigrants with diseases.
Topics: What is truly galling are the extremes of our Government | Why the hypocrisy? | The Government has to Safe-Guard the Legal Population | Governments Guard their People | So why are they letting some many people into the USA unchecked? | Are Illegal Aliens also under the "Rule of Law" that Democrats Insist on Applying to Trump?
Read the Article: Dcox Open Borders: The Medical AngleTract Group 1
ec03 The Six Days of Creation examines the creation days, 24 hour periods, and other related points.
Topics: Genesis 1; 1 day = 24 hours. | Why it is no more than 168 hours | At what age did Adam die? | Jesus created everything in Seven Days | How the Evolutionist sees God | The Gap Theory | Millions of Years and still Nothing
Read the Tract: ec03 The Six Days of CreationBuy Me a Cup of Coffee
How Pastors can help their missionaries on Deputation is help from a veteran missionary of over 30+ years on his opinions and suggestions.
Topics: How Pastors can help their missionaries on Deputation | Money, Finances, and Expenses | "In-kind" helps | How Pastors can help their missionaries on Deputation continued | More Missionary Needs | A loaned Vehicle | More Articles on Missionary Helps.
Read the Article: How Pastors can help their missionaries on Deputation.Tract Group 2
ev02 Created or Evolved? A Refutation of Evolution We look at why evolution is not science, but a misplaced faith.
Topics: Evolution violates the First Law of Thermodynamics (the law of Conservation of Energy). | Evolution violates the Second Law of Thermodynamics (dissipation of energy). | The Law of Bio-Genesis where life can only come from some other pre-existent life, thus only perpetuating its own type. | There is no evidence in the fossil registry that supports evolution. | The fossil registry has failed to document even a single “missing link” that would verify beyond doubt the link between ape and man. Java Man-Ape, Piltdown | Evolution fails to explain the existence of even a “simple cell.”
Read the Tract: ev02 Created or Evolved? A Refutation of EvolutionGood Books from my Sites
Dagg Manual of Theology is a theology work in 2 volumes by J.L. Dagg a Reformed Southern Baptist. It is an extensive, very ample presentation of doctrines.
This is an extensive Bible Systematic Theology (Bible Doctrines book) from a conservative point of view.
Read/Download: now with pdf download link. 50,000 views on this page with download linkAds and News
Problems with Total Depravity or Inability examines the flaws and errors of the Calvinist teaching of Total Depravity (which is really total inability, man is not responsible for his own actions and sins, because he cannot choose sin or obeying God). This is a short article about this point of Calvinism.
The argument of the Calvinists breaks down completely when we examine the Bible and find examples of various individuals that did please God with their lives. Calvinists says that there is nothing at all that any person can do to please God. Yet God views our lives, and in the Bible, certain people did please God like Noah. Maybe the difference was Noah’s life was "better" than everybody's else's wicked lives, but even from that standpoint, God still acted greatly because of Noah's faith and daily relationship with God. When God saves you and your family and kills everybody else on planet earth, that means something.
The bottom line: Calvinism does not take into consideration the places where God looked with approval on various people's lives. Their "system" is fatally flawed, therefore. Good works never save anybody, we can affirm this as true. But the "bottom line" here is that God does approve and disapprove different people's lives. Salvation is only by faith in Jesus Christ the Savior. But what you are depends on what you do. God judges every person, even the elect, and He rewards them as such. Things that God dislikes, God chastises those in hell, for the saved, God causes the elect to lose some of their heavenly rewards for their sins, if not also causing them problems in earth before they die.
Problems with Total Depravity or Inability.
Category Archives: False Prophet-Teacher
FP: Fruit of a False Prophet Disobedience Part 8
This study will investigate what the fruit (life and ministry) of a false prophet. This install will look at how the false prophet disobeys the Word of God, and the true prophet seeks to always obey God’s Word. Continue reading
FP: Fruit of a False Prophet Repentance part 6
Summary: This study will investigate what the fruit (life and ministry) of a false prophet. Part 6 of this series is simply an introduction, and begins by contrasting a man of God’s fruit (piety and holiness) with the false prophet’s fruit (sin, not doing God’s will). Continue reading
What do false prophets want?
What do false prophets want? These are reflective, meditative thoughts about false teachers in our churches. Continue reading
FP: False prophets worship other gods
This article explain how the false prophets worship other gods of his own creation. Continue reading
FP: Using Scripture or Following Scripture?
We look at the distinct different of view from the true man of God towards Scripture, and the false prophet’s view towards Scripture. Continue reading
FP: Identifying a False Prophet (updated 1/29/2022)
This article is about identifying and understanding a false prophet. Continue reading
False Prophets and Teachers Overview (updated 1/28/2022)
False Prophets and Teachers Overview gives you a list of how to discern a false prophet with links to articles explaining explicitly each point. Continue reading
Why so many Crises Today?
Why so many Crises Today? is an article about our day with a constant crisis at every corner and how this works into the Antichrist and his takeover. Continue reading
FP: The Bad Fruit of a False Prophet part 2b
FP: The Bad Fruit of a False Prophet part 2b will investigate what the fruit (life and ministry) of a false prophet. Continue reading
A study on False Prophets and Teachers
A study on False Prophets and Teachers is excerpted from some good old books about false prophets and teachers. Continue reading