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Bounds - Praying Pulpit begets a Praying Pew is a single chapter work on prayer in the pulpit causing prayer in the pew.
Read: Bounds - Praying Pulpit begets a Praying Pew.New Tracts
eva11 What happens after I die? This salvation tract explains what the Bible declares to us about the afterlife or what happens after we die, heaven or hell. Topics: There are only two Possibilities. | There are no Second Chances | What is Heaven like? | What is Hell like? | Jesus has warned us. | But it gets even Worse Yet | You must be born again. | There are no other Options.
Read the Tract: eva11 What happens after I die?.Tract Group 1
ch16 Example of the man of God ch16 Example of the man of God explains how the man of God is to be an example of what God wants from all of us.
Topics: Marking what is Good | Marking what is Bad | Imitating Christ | Marking or Imitating the Man of God.
Excerpt: It is a grave error in Christianity of our day to gloss over as unimportant the idea that each minister should be an example of a man of God, see 1 Tim 3 and Titus 1, which marks the requirements of a man of God. We should insist that our ministers be good examples of what is a man of God, a copy of Christ, and if they aren’t, we should remove them, or leave that church.
Read the Tract: ch16 Example of the man of God.Buy Me a Cup of Coffee
Old Carpenter Tools of his Trade is an explanation of why I, Pastor-Missionary David Cox, write my own materials like tracts, books, sermons, Sunday School material, etc. We produce the material that we use in our ministry and also for evangelism.
Read the short article: Old Carpenter Tools of his Trade.Tract Group 2
Divine use of Sickness CP34 Divine use of Sickness
Read this tract by Pastor Cox about the divine use of sickness explains how God works with sickness to remind man of his limited time on earth, the consequences of sin, etc.
In this tract Pastor Cox explains how God positively uses sickness to help us turn our thoughts and attention to the eternal. We get so involved in our daily lives sometimes that we forget that our life is but a vapor on this earth, soon to no longer be. God uses sickness as a severe warning that our time is running out, and we need to live as though every moment has a forward view towards eternity. How we spend our life is important. Sections:
1. Understanding that God is God
2. Sickness because of Sin
3. Warning about approaching Death
4. Warning about Human weakness
5. The Error of the Sick
6. God listens to those who ask in sincerity
Job 13:15 Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him.
There is an attitude within much of Christianity that sickness in any form is bad, and God does not have anything to do with it. For these Christans, they ask God to take the sickness away, and sometimes (as though it was their right to be health) that they demand God to remove their sickness. The reality of life is that they continue ill, and many have a crisis of faith over this. For them, God is impotent, or God does not love them. In other words, their confidence, faith, and love of God depends on God always sending them good things. But this is not how the Bible indicates life is. God uses calamity and sickness for His own purposes and we have to understand this (and accept it).
Please support our tract ministry by donating on the tract website (see sidebar). Because of your donations we can offer these tracts online, and for free. Read the Tract CH34
Please donate to help support this website.Good Books from my Sites
Dagg Manual of Theology is a theology work in 2 volumes by J.L. Dagg a Reformed Southern Baptist. It is an extensive, very ample presentation of doctrines.
This is an extensive Bible Systematic Theology (Bible Doctrines book) from a conservative point of view.
Read/Download: now with pdf download link. 50,000 views on this page with download linkAds and News
Getting People to faithfully integrate in the Church is an article on how to get people to participate in your church. This article links to more articles dealing with these issues.
Topics: So we should start with the reason as far as why a Christian should congregate. | A. Why people come to church | The Wrong Reasons for Coming to Church | (1) Because somebody makes me go to church | (2) Because I want to find a Christian mate | (3) Because I want the economic benefits the church offers me | a. Christians have to renounce riches and the retaining of riches to be truly saved. | b. The value of a person's life is not in the possessions he owns. | c. Covetousness is a great sin before God. | d. Rich people hardly enter heaven. | e. Christians should seek mediocrity, neither rich nor poor. | e. Christians should seek mediocrity, neither rich nor poor. | (5) Because I want status, prestige, and power | (6) Because I want to be saved | (7) Because I want to be religious | (8) Because I want my husband/wife/children/parents to turn out right | (9) Because I was brought up in church, and it's my custom/habit | The Right Reasons for Coming to Church | (1) Because it is an evidence of true salvation. | (2) God commands me to go to church, and it should be my custom. | (3) It was the example left to us by the NT church and first century Christians. | (4) Church provides me with the opportunity to identify with Christ as my Savior. | (5) Church provides me with an opportunity to serve God by serving my brothers in Christ. | (6) Church provides me with the context to benefit from spiritually gifted ministers. | (7) Church provides me with the avenue to properly worship God. | (8) To comply with other commandments in my Christian life, I must do so in the context of church. | (9) Church facilitates the growth of my faith, the holiness of my life, and the purity of my doctrine.
Read the article: Getting People to faithfully integrate (There are several related studies in pdf downloads on this page).
Author Archives: DavidCox
Sacraments or Ordinances?
Sacraments or Ordinances? Are we to believe that specific ceremonial actions are going to save us? Continue reading
The Pentecostal Fascination with Demons
The Pentecostal Fascination with Demons is actually a mark of modern Pentecostalism. They promote their movement because of this “sign.” Continue reading
Is Scripture Finalized, or is it still in a state of flux?
Is Scripture Finalized, or is it still in a state of flux? I examine the question of religious leaders proclaiming new revelations that are contrary to Bible.
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A Biblical Understanding of Lawlessness
A Biblical Understanding of Lawlessness is a study of the concept of lawlessness in the Bible and in our community and world today.
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a Cult versus the true Church
The community of a Cult versus the true Church is an article on discerning the difference between a cult like religious group and the true church as God presents it in Scripture. Continue reading
Calvinist’s Error with Covenants
Calvinist’s Error with Covenants is a discussion of what is a covenant, and how Calvinists fail with the concept Continue reading
Candlish The Atonement
Candlish The Atonement is a short 3 chapter work on the atonement or Christ paying the price for us to acceptable to God. Continue reading
Cults: Lies and Deceptions
In this post I explain how deception is woven into the very fabric of cults. Continue reading
Pastoral Covetousness NT
pastoral covetousness We examine what covetousness does to a man’s soul. Continue reading
Old Calvinist’s and their belief in free offer
Old Calvinist’s and their belief in free offer has quotes from old Calvinists representing their beliefs in the free offer of the gospel irrespective of election. Continue reading